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As you know we have been enjoying the cities of the world for many years, and over that time we have picked up lots of little tricks that help us to get more out of each visit. Some of which we are going to share with you today.

Pack a single bag

Whenever possible it is a good idea to pack a small suitcase or a backpack. Cities are busy places, so the last thing you want to be doing is lugging a heavy, and unwieldy, piece of baggage around with you. Backpacks are our best friends !

Taking a small case makes using public transport to reach get to your accommodation. Being able to get on a bus or train rather than have to take a taxi will save you a lot of money. It also gives you a chance to start getting a feel for the city from the moment you arrive.

If you have a late flight you can still enjoy exploring the city on your last day

Most hotels ask you to leave by midday. If you have a big case, you often have no choice but to pay an exorbitant fee to leave it in the care of the hotel. The other alternative is to take it with you, which makes it hard to do much more than just sit in a cafe next to your suitcase.

The fact you are in a city means that if you need anything you can easily pop out to the shops and buy a few small items. So, you really do not need to take a large suitcase with you.

Pack a good pair of walking shoes

By far the best way to see a city is to take a walking tour. That means it is especially important to pack comfortable footwear.

Take your swimming costume

Even if you are staying in a hotel that does not have a pool it is still a good idea to pack some swimwear? Most large cities have one or more very nice public swimming pools.

They are great places to pass a couple of hours, especially on cold or rainy days. A pair of swim shorts will not take up much space, and if you buy them here, they are not expensive.

Load your phone with city apps

As well as packing your case you need to stock up on apps. Before you leave home add a good city map to your phone and local public transport apps to your phone. These will help you to get around, and get more out of your visit.

Pre book your excursions

In some cities, especially during peak season, tours and attractions get really busy, which means you have to spend an age queuing. The best way to avoid this happening to you is to pre-book as much as possible. If you do take this approach, you need to remember to pack the tickets. For example, if you plan to visit New York, check my post about the best Pass to visit New York, it will help your save money !

Following these surprisingly simple tips will help you to make the most of your city break.

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