Table of contents
Who hasn’t been embarrassed to have an erection in public, without meaning to and without any control over it? That’s the problem with involuntary erections, which can be complicated depending on the context, and even more so when they occur frequently. We’ll take a look at the mechanisms behind erections, and give you some tips on how to cope with frequent, unwanted erections.
Everything you need to know about erectile function
Everyone knows that an erection is the result of sexual arousal. Visibly stimulated (tactile, psychological, biochemical or physiological), the penis undergoes a major blood surge and hardens. But do you know all the inner workings behind the male erection?
The physiological process
In response to a stimulus, the male nervous system triggers the production of neurotransmitters, including acetylcholine, dopamine and serotonin. These nerve messages directly control the blood vessels in the sexual organs. As a result, the corpus cavernosum (along the length of the penis) dilates and gorges itself with blood, producing an erection. The corpus spongiosum (just below the corpora cavernosa) also receives an influx of blood to prepare for future ejaculation.
The psychological process
Sexual arousal is not just a biological matter. A complex mix of neurochemical and psychic factors, libido can’t always be controlled! That’s why men sometimes suffer from erectile failure despite an ideal situation for sexual relations, or experience an uncontrolled erection in an ordinary context. In the latter case, sexual stimulation can sometimes occur completely unconsciously (for example, with the sudden appearance of a stimulus similar to that contained in an amorous or erotic memory).

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Uncontrolled or involuntary erections
An uncontrolled or involuntary erection is one that occurs outside the context of sexual relations. While an erection is generally seen as a symbol of virility, the situation in which it occurs can alter its significance.
When does an uncontrolled erection occur?
It can happen simply when kissing a woman, but also when passing an attractive person in the street, reading a naughty message, with an erotic thought that quickly crosses the mind, and so on. Sometimes, the sexual stimulus is not even known to the individual, or may seem really insignificant.
Generally speaking, involuntary erections occur more frequently in young men, especially teenagers who are undergoing hormonal changes and don’t yet know how to control their arousal. And let’s not forget nocturnal or morning erections, which are uncontrollable but common to all men! Signs of good physiological health, these erections are called Nocturnal Penile Tumescence and occur several times during the night.
Is it normal to have involuntary erections?
Involuntary erections can be embarrassing, but they’re perfectly normal! It’s important to remember that an erection is a natural phenomenon, as important to sexuality as it is to the psychological construction of the male being. In fact, erectile dysfunction is a real suffering for men who suffer from it…
But of course, it all depends on the environment you’re in at the time. For an uncontrolled erection at home, you’re free to do as you please, or even just wait it out. In any other context, however, sexual arousal can be embarrassing… which is why it’s a good idea to know one or more effective solutions for getting over it!
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What are the best ways to stop an erection?
Now that you’ve found yourself in this tricky situation, all you want to do is stop your unwanted erection as quickly as possible. You’ll be aware that, unless you have a serious problem such as priapism, an erection stops spontaneously after sexual intercourse. But in this case, we’re happy to suggest a number of other natural methods. Some of them you won’t be able to perform in public, while others may not work on you… So it’s up to you to try them out!
Apply cold
Cold helps reduce blood flow, sending the opposite message to the one initially sent by the nervous system. So, if you have the chance, applying ice cubes (or a cold pack) should do you a world of good in bringing your erection down!
Get moving
A little physical activity can help direct your blood flow to other parts of your body. Here again, the aim is to provoke a different nervous message, so that the erection stops on its own. The easiest way to do this is to walk, if possible at a brisk pace, to get the blood flowing through your legs more quickly. Some prefer push-ups, jumping, running…
Contract your body
Girdle your whole body, simply squeeze your buttocks, contract your perineum… In short, strongly activate other areas of your body to relieve the pressure felt in your lower abdomen.
Treat yourself to a little pain
It’s a well-known fact that physical pain can totally distract your brain from what’s going on elsewhere in your body. So maybe a little pain (like a pinch or a tap) will help you get the erection to stop. But don’t hurt yourself too much either, of course!
Winding up your sex
Here’s a mechanical technique that’s as simple as it is effective. By moving your penis upwards, your erection will become less visible, and should disappear fairly quickly. You can, of course, go to the toilet to do this in complete privacy… But if that’s not possible, you can always try to move your penis upwards with your hands in your pockets, as discreetly as possible.
Think of something else
Last but not least: divert your attention (this time psychological) from the sexual stimulus to something that’s not exciting at all. You may already be familiar with this technique, widely used during intimate intercourse to delay ejaculation! Thinking about something else should help you get rid of that involuntary erection, especially if you’re concentrating on an image that puts you off, or an event that scandalizes you… But above all, this method works perfectly with those described above.
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Bottom line
Involuntary erection is a perfectly normal occurrence, and can sometimes be very embarrassing. But if it happens to you in a totally irrelevant context, there’s no need to panic: you now know that it’s perfectly possible to learn to reduce this arousal, and even eventually to control it more frequently.