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Among widespread sexual practices, there’s one that has its aficionados and its opponents: blowjob, and for that it’s imperative to know how to suck properly!
Some consider this sexual act to be a little extra pleasure, while others consider it to be quite trashy and even a little violent for the person sucking. But it’s impossible to talk about sex without talking about blowjob. Girls, after giving you tips on how your mates can learn to perform cunnilingus, here are some tips for you this time!
Here are a few tips to make this an unforgettable shared pleasure!

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Does blowjob scare you?
I’ve met a lot of people who are bothered by the idea of giving blow jobs, whether they’re men or women. However, blowjobs can also be a very caliente moment in a couple’s situation. But for this to happen, it’s essential (I insist) that both protagonists are in agreement. As with all sexual practices, it’s all about sharing, and if both are on the same wavelength, they’ll both get pleasure, that’s clear!
So if you feel like having oral sex, just ask, but don’t force it. That’s the basics. A person who’s obliged to do something won’t do it as well as if he’s also enjoying it, quite simply. It’s about mutual involvement and sharing.
Of course, if you really want to and your partner is hesitant, you can explain the benefits of a good blowjob not only to yourself, but also to the person who’s about to take you to seventh heaven!
You may find that many people see this practice as an act of submission. It’s true that porn films have played a big part in this view. So before you even start this little sexual game, talk it over. Explain and relax. Because a good blowjob isn’t about submission, it’s about giving the other person total control. Your partner will have your pleasure between her lips!
It’s important to present the action well, but also for you to understand it. You’re not the king of the world, and if the other person doesn’t want it, then don’t insist. Period.
So for a good blowjob, discussion is the first point. Both will be more relaxed and able to share better.
Different steps to get started and know how to give a good blowjob!
Communication is the first step. But it’s not the only one. It’s also important to determine your male partner’s desires. Some like to go fast, others like to take their time. So it’s up to you to find out which group your partner belongs to. You’ll be able to determine whether your man wants a quick blowjob (and mouth job) with no real preamble, or whether he needs more caressing and carnal teasing to get off. We’re all different!
The same goes for determining the speed of the act. To be clear, do we go fast or slow? Big question!
And here again, the answer is “it depends”. Well, if you haven’t been able to have a preliminary conference before the act, you don’t know what will really please the other person. So to make sure you don’t mess things up, why not alternate? Intense moments with rapid speed and more languorous moments to drive your partner to nirvana can follow one another with flair.
You can also include different pressures from your lips to complement the rhythm and a few charming tickles from your tongue. Improvisation is the order of the day, depending on your partner’s reactions. As the saying goes, nothing is set in stone, and you’re free to do whatever you like to best enhance her pleasure, as well as your own. And let’s not forget that there’s no point in running. It’s by practicing that you’ll be able to identify your “little weaknesses”.
Good blowjob also means knowing your partner inside out!
Risk-free terrain
What do I mean by this? Well, I’m not going to offend you by telling you where the little beast is that needs to be aroused. Naturally, you’ll need to have a precise idea of where it’s nesting. But like all wild felines (!), the beast’s lair may not turn out to be as clean as you’d like.
Without going into too much detail, many a willing partner has been surprised and disgusted by a borderline “combat zone”. So, gentlemen, remember to wash up before the act. That’s the basis. You can also make your charming little garden a pleasant place by clearing up a bit of undergrowth. To do this, get out your lawnmower and trim your pubic hair.
How to give a good blow job?
Well, now it’s time to get down to business. Everything’s ready and the sex mood is at its peak. Here are my tips on how to give a good blowjob!
But there are a few things you can do before you even open your mouth. So, for example, there’s no need to bare your teeth. You’re having a blow job, not a snack! Good sucking is first and foremost a sucking phenomenon. It sounds logical, but it isn’t. In the heat of the moment, it’s easy to forget the principle and pull out your fangs. And that hurts!
A good blow job is done with the lips, the mouth and sometimes the throat, but not the teeth!
Wondering whether you should swallow your reward? You decide! You don’t want to, you don’t. Don’t procrastinate, because many women find it disgusting, even if many men enjoy ejaculating in their partner’s mouth, and some do anything to increase the volume of their sperm!
Of course, blowjob can be performed just about anywhere. Swallowing the semen can be a very useful way of avoiding messy situations. That’s the only point, because the pleasure experienced during blowjob has nothing to do with it.
Read also How to do a perfect anilingus ?
Let’s talk about possible places for a blow job. Even if you’re a real enthusiast, you’re not allowed to do it everywhere.
Like any sexual act, it’s personal and intimate, and should remain so. OK, we’re not going to lie, it’s always better when you break a few rules (car, train, plane, swimming pool, changing room, nightclub…), but don’t go overboard! For a quickie, it’s ideal. But blowjob can also be a longer moment of complicity. In that case, you’ll have to share it at home, or why not in a hotel to get off the beaten track?
Is that all?
Is talking and choosing the right place all you need for a good blow job? Of course not!
Let’s take a look at what will make your partner fall in love with you and turn you into a blowjob goddess. After all, that’s what you’re here for.
One of the simplest and most exciting tricks is to blindfold your partner. Just feeling your mouth on her sex is already a unique pleasure. It’s a way of heightening all her senses, which will greatly enhance her pleasure.
There’s another thing that can also please the gentleman: deep throat. Can you imagine what this is all about? This technique, which involves taking sex as fully as possible in the mouth, brings incredible pleasure to the gentleman. You’ll be able to stimulate all areas of the penis and deliver incredible pleasure. Of course, this requires a little practice. Don’t hesitate to titillate the frenulum, a particularly erotic zone. Just let your tongue do the work – it’ll make him feel less like pleasuring himself alone!
A question of size?
Let’s talk about the size of sex. Are you proud of it, guys? That’s fine, but you should know that if your penis is XXL, it can be embarrassing for your partner’s mouth.
A penis averaging 13 cm in length has been found to be perfect for blowjob. Diameter is also an important factor. Too big, and the penis won’t be able to “take it in the mouth” properly. But then again, every mouth is different. So first of all, test! There’s no ideal size.
On the other hand, if you have a complex about penis size, there are ways of making your penis bigger and load too, temporarily at any rate, such as wearing a cock ring, which will block the blood flow and keep your penis bigger for longer. On the one hand, this will bring your own satisfaction, and on the other, it may please your partner.
Successful blowjob is an art!
Now, here are a few more tips for a perfect blowjob. A little guide.
First and foremost, relax. You’re there to take and give pleasure. Don’t hesitate to salivate so that your mouth isn’t too dry. You can also enhance the moment with a glass of champagne or sparkling water. The bubbles will add an original and highly pleasurable touch to the gentleman’s penis.
blowjob isn’t just about mouth and sex. It’s also about two partners communicating or simply looking at each other. A few winks can spice up the sex game.
It’s also more intense if you vary the positions. blowjob isn’t just about kneeling in front of your partner. You can also surprise your friend while he’s comfortably seated in front of the TV, in bed… There’s no limit to the imagination!
blowjob is the mouth! Yes, of course, but you can also involve other “collaborators” such as your finger, which runs gently over the penis, your hand, which can knead it, or even a feather to tickle the sex naughtily.
One more thing, yes, I haven’t finished…
Knowing how to suck is all well and good, but blowjob can be a moment of intense pleasure. But it’s also a sexual act, and as such, it can be risky. A number of STIs can spoil the moment for both partners.
Several STIs can be “gently” shared during this act, such as papillomavirus, syphilis, herpes or even hepatitis B. It’s mainly the person receiving the blowjob who runs the greatest risk.
As far as AIDS is concerned, the person performing blowjob may be at greater risk than the person receiving it. Nevertheless, there must be no wounds on the penis or in the mouth to avoid any risk.
To ensure safe oral sex, we strongly recommend the use of a condom. This will protect you from STIs and other STDs without ruining your pleasure. Don’t hesitate to get tested regularly too, and ask your partner to do the same.
To further minimize the risks, don’t swallow semen if you don’t know the person and they don’t get tested regularly. Rinse your mouth if semen has been in contact with it
If you’re into oral sex, it’s a good idea to invest in a dental dam, a piece of latex that protects the mouth area. You’ll find them in pharmacies and sex shops. Now you know a lot about how to suck properly!