The world in which we live is dictated by rules, and fashion does not escape this imposition without concession. Wearing a suit with or without a tie is not a problem, the question I often hear is : which button to close in a suit ?

Which button to close in a suit ?

A suit with 2 or 3 buttons ?

The majority of men think that simply wearing a suit is enough to make them “classy” and “elegant”. Well, it is not! It is necessary to follow some basic rules so that the beautiful suit of prince charming does not transform you into Monsieur Tacky !

There are several suit styles, but for us today, it will be 2 and 3 button-suits.

What jacket buttons should I close ?

  • For the 2-button jacket, it’s unusual to close both, only the top one must be closed.
  • For the 3-button jacket, the above rule also applies, it’s customary to close only the one of the top and the middle one.

To conclude, know that there is no excuse for bad taste, pay attention to detail and you will stand out in all circumstances.

Which button to close in a suit

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