Have you been training diligently several times a week for many years? However, the vacations are fast approaching and you’re worried about your physique slackening or putting on weight because of the dietary deviations you might make. It’s true that it’s not always easy to resist the temptation of aperitifs with family or friends during this period.

But don’t worry, it’s perfectly possible to reconcile relaxation, idleness and maintaining optimal physical condition. Here’s everything you need to know!

Bodybuilding and vacations

Can I lose muscle mass on vacation?

It’s true that you can lose muscle mass on vacation if you don’t maintain a certain level of physical activity. However, several factors influence this potential loss.

First and foremost, your level of training will play an important role. If you’re highly trained and have a regular routine with several sessions a week throughout the year, a break during the vacations shouldn’t result in any significant loss of muscle mass. You can therefore be reassured about the overall preservation of your muscles in this case.

However, if you’re a beginner or have difficulty maintaining a regular training rhythm, then prolonged breaks during the vacations carry greater risks for muscle mass loss. It has been observed that an interruption of around three weeks can already lead to this loss in individuals less accustomed to physical exercise.

Age and gender can also play a role in the rate at which you lose muscle mass at rest. In particular, as you get older, it not only becomes more difficult to gain muscle, but also much easier to lose it when you remain inactive. It’s therefore essential to maintain a certain level of physical exercise to preserve your muscle mass.

Adapt your food and protein intake to your activities

Undoubtedly, the protein intake you need varies according to the type of vacation you’ve chosen.

You’ve planned to do nothing!

When planning a total rest vacation, it’s crucial to take your diet into consideration to avoid unwanted weight gain. Indeed, without regular exercise and with meals often higher in calories than usual, there’s a real risk of storing more fat.

To counteract this tendency to fat gain, it may be wise to incorporate dietary supplements into your daily routine. Branched-chain amino acids are particularly useful for maintaining muscle mass during periods of inactivity. They help prevent the muscle wasting that can occur when your muscles are not being used. Similarly, conjugated linoleic acid is effective in limiting the storage of calories in the form of fat. It acts as a natural burner and also promotes the sensation of satiety while improving insulin sensitivity.

When it comes to your culinary choices while on vacation, opt for cooking with coconut oil, as it will contain medium-chain triglycerides known for their ability to reduce the sensation of hunger while improving our insulin response.

Finally, if you tend to drink alcohol regularly during your total rest vacation, it may be a good idea to incorporate a specific dietary supplement to support your liver.

Are you planning not to interrupt your bodybuilding sessions?

If you’ve decided not to interrupt your bodybuilding sessions during the vacations, that’s an excellent decision. Maintaining regularity in your training will not only enable you to maintain your gains, but also to make significant progress. When you’re training on a daily basis, it’s tempting to take advantage of the vacations to relax completely and temporarily abandon your good sporting habits. However, this prolonged break can have a negative impact on our physical condition.

By continuing to train during the vacations, you’ll have more free time to plan your sessions effectively. You’ll be able to take the time you need to develop a program that suits your schedule, free from work or family constraints. Your vacations will also provide the ideal opportunity to optimize recovery after each intensive training session by giving your body sufficient rest. To achieve this, it’s essential to maintain a balanced diet adapted to your objectives during your vacations.

In addition, it’s advisable to include dietary supplements such as branched-chain amino acids in your routine to enhance muscle recovery.

Fill up on protein – but not just any protein!

To optimize your results and preserve your muscle mass during a period of rest or sporting inactivity, it’s crucial to choose quality protein sources. Whey protein occupies a central place among these sources. Whey protein is a popular dietary supplement thanks to its high content of essential amino acids. This makes it a convenient and effective source for maintaining an adequate protein intake when you can’t eat solid food at every meal. By taking this type of protein with you in your luggage, you can be sure of a constant supply of the nutrients essential for muscle recovery.

In addition to whey protein shakes, it’s also advisable to introduce branched-chain amino acids into your daily nutritional routine. BCAAs are mainly composed of leucine, which plays a key role in muscle protein synthesis. So, taking at least 5 g with each meal will promote the growth and repair of muscle tissue.

What’s more, these amino acids will also help reduce muscle fatigue during intensive training. It’s important to stress, however, that solid foods remain essential in a balanced diet. Lean meats such as chicken or fish, as well as eggs, are excellent natural sources of all the essential amino acids required for healthy body function.

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