Leadership styles significantly influence different areas of our lives, from mental health to career progression and personal relationships.

Exploring the correlation between leadership traits – especially those linked to the Emperor Tarot Card, such as authority, structure, and control – can uncover how these qualities impact our overall well-being and success.

Let’s delve into eight ways leadership styles can affect your personal wellness and professional success and discuss strategies for adopting empowering leadership qualities while maintaining balance.

man in a shirt wearing eyewear

1. Personal Reflection

Personal reflection can offer valuable insights into your leadership qualities and areas for improvement.

While reflective practices like journaling and meditation are the most used ways to engage in personal reflection, other rarely-considered or used ways, like tarot readings, can help align your leadership style with your personal and professional goals.

Tarot readings can be an especially revealing and guiding avenue for personal reflection and decision-making, but you need to know how to use it well:


Regularly engage in tarot readings to reflect on your leadership journey.

More importantly, use the insights from these readings to make informed leadership decisions and adapt your style for better balance and effectiveness. Consider using tarot to explore your subconscious motivations and areas that need growth.

For instance, the meaning of The Emperor tarot card is authority, structure, and control. Reflecting on this card can help you assess where to introduce more flexibility or empathy in your leadership style.

On the other hand, tarot cards like the Empress symbolize nurturing and creativity and can inspire you to adopt a more supportive and innovative leadership style.

2. Personal Relationships

Leadership traits transcend the workplace and seep into personal relationships.

Authoritative leadership styles might lead to struggles with personal connections due to a lack of empathy and flexibility and create tension and distance in interpersonal relationships, as friends, family, and team members may feel undervalued or unheard.


Practice active listening and show appreciation in interpersonal interactions. Strive for a balance between providing direction and being receptive to others’ needs and opinions. Developing emotional intelligence can also enhance personal interactions and foster deeper connections.

3. Mental Health and Stress Levels

Your leadership style profoundly affects your – and everyone’s – mental health and stress levels.

A great example is how an authoritative leadership style characterized by high control and low flexibility – a character trait you can discover through the Emperor Tarot card – can create a high-pressure environment.

Such an environment can increase team members’ stress, anxiety, and burnout because the constant demand for perfection and lack of autonomy can cause chronic stress that affects everyone’s physical and mental health.


Adopt a balanced approach by incorporating empathy and open communication into your leadership style.

Regularly talk to your team members to understand their stressors and provide support. Stress-reduction techniques, such as mindfulness, journaling, regular breaks, and physical fitness, can help improve mental well-being.

4. Team Dynamics and Collaboration

How you lead impacts team dynamics and the quality of collaboration.

Authoritative leadership can sometimes hinder open communication and collaborative problem-solving. For instance, holding the reins too tightly can leave team members feeling intimidated or undervalued, which can significantly decrease overall morale and productivity.


Promote a collaborative environment by encouraging open dialogue and valuing diverse perspectives.

Champion an environment where everyone feels empowered to express their ideas and concerns. Implement team-building activities and collaborative projects to strengthen relationships and improve teamwork.

5. Career Advancement

Your leadership style can either accelerate or hinder your career advancement.

Leaders who exhibit qualities of the Emperor, like decisiveness, structure, and control, often come off as more reliable and competent, leading to promotions and new opportunities.

Conversely, being overly controlling can stifle innovation and alienate colleagues, which may ultimately limit career growth.


Blend authoritative leadership traits with democratic practices. A great way to do that is to encourage team input and innovation while maintaining clear structure and direction. Model valuable qualities like flexibility and adaptability to promote dynamic and collaborative workplaces.

6. Work-Life Balance

An authoritative leadership style can blur work and personal life boundaries and lead to an unhealthy work-life balance. Leaders prioritizing structure and control may struggle to switch off from work, affecting their wellness and personal relationships.


Set boundaries between work and personal life. Encourage a culture of work-life balance within your team by respecting personal time and modeling healthy habits.

7. Decision-Making Abilities

Leadership style directly influences decision-making.

For example, decisiveness and structured decision-making can provide clear direction. However, being too rigid with both character traits can also lead to resistance to change and inflexibility, potentially resulting in missed opportunities and a lack of innovation.


Combine decisive action with adaptability. Use structured decision-making frameworks but remain open to feedback and be willing to pivot when necessary. Encourage a culture of experimentation, taking calculated risks, and learning from failures and mistakes.

8. Influence and Legacy

Your leadership style significantly impacts your influence and legacy.

Authority and structure can establish a solid foundation for a legacy. However, building a legacy of empowerment and positive influence is more important because a legacy based solely on control and rigidity may not be sustainable or respected in the long term.


Focus on empowering others and fostering a culture of respect and growth. Your influence will be more enduring if you inspire others and positively contribute to their development. Mentor emerging leaders, recognize and reward contributions, and build an environment where people feel valued and motivated to succeed.


Fundamentally, remember that your leadership style can impact personal wellness and success and the well-being and success of those you lead.

That’s why you cannot overlook the importance of embracing continuous improvement and mindful leadership to achieve lasting success and wellness.

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